
Showing posts from November, 2018

Five Habits You Should Embrace To Improve Your Memory

Image People that have a sharp and prodigious memory generally admit that they use a number of strategies to improve their ability. If you are one of those that don’t fall into the category of a memory genius, there are a number of common sense habits you should adopt. 1. Avoid Procrastination If you can, do something the instance you are thinking about it. If not, write it down and put it where you can see it, so you don’t forget about it. 2. Sleep Over It Research indicates that a lot of us require between six to eight hours of sleep everyday (that’s at least two cycles of deep sleep) per night, for our brains to go through the chemical changes needed to integrate new skills or facts into long-term memory. To help you remember things better, you may want to consider taking a nap. Your mind will be fresher afterwards. 3. Establish Routines Your memory can become sharper if you establish routines. It is easier to find things if you always put them in the same place. F